Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Prepping Authority's Top 5 Best Water Filtration Picks

The number one necessity for any survival situation is water.  The only necessity that tops this one is air.  Without water you will die in a matter of just a few days perhaps four at the most. To die of thirst is an excruciation way to go.  You will begin with your mouth becoming dry and progress through stages each worse than the last.  Your extremities will cramp badly as your vital organs begin fighting to keep as much water for themselves as possible.  Dizziness will ensue before reaching a state of coma and eventually the heart will be prevented from beating.  This process is not a fast process. It can take days of suffering before death ensues.  Even a body liquid loss of as little as 10% is typically considered to be a medical emergency.  

Other possibilities are sickness and disease caused by drinking contaminated water. Some of these include:
  • Giardia - causes diarrhea
  • Legionella - causes pneumonia type symptoms
  • Shigella - causes diarrhea, fever and stomach cramps
  • Campylobacter - causes diarrhea, abdominal pain, cramping and fever
  • Cryptosporidium - causes diarrhea, stomach cramps or abdominal pain, dehydration, nausea, vomiting, fever and weight loss
  • Ecoli - can cause diarrhea, urinary tract infections, respiratory infections, pneumonia and even other types of illnesses
Some of the other types of infections that can be caused by drinking water that is not treated properly include:
  • Norovirus - causes stomach/intestinal inflammation, stomach/intestinal pain, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting
  • Hepatitis A - a liver infection causing fatigue, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain particularly below the ribcage on the right side near the liver, loss of appetite, fever, dark colored urine, pain in your joints and jaundice
There are even other issues that can be caused by excessive amounts of copper and other minerals as well as toxins such as fluoride entering the body through our water sources.

Because of this it is vital that we always have a clean supply of water for ourselves and our families.  Some water filtration systems are capable of eliminating almost all contaminants including viruses and excessive amounts of chemicals and minerals . Others are simply able to eliminate the majority of parasites that are found in unclean water sources.  Each type of filter has its place in a SHTF situation; however, it is up to each individual prepper to determine the correct filtration system for themselves and their families in a given scenario.

The ability of a filter to eliminate differing amounts of toxins and contaminants will vary. The lower priced filters are quite capable of eliminating nearly all parasites while the higher priced filters will guard against parasites, viruses and other toxins such as fluoride and excessive minerals.

So what are the top five best water filtration devices we would pick for a SHTF scenario?

1.  The Big Berkey Water Purifier  - The top of the line water purifiers on the market

2.  ProPur Water Purifiers - About the same quality as Big Berkey, one of the best

3.  SteriPen Water Purifiers - For use when only a few people are being supplied with water

4.  Sawyer Water Filters - Great for use when a few people will be needing clean water

5.  Life Straw Personal Water Filters - More of a personal water filter, consider purchasing one for each member of the family

I have put a lot of time and effort into finding the best of the best when it comes to water purity for survival situations.  My personal choice has been to purchase one Sawyer water filter per family member.  This will ensure that each person is able to have up to 100,000 gallons of clean, fresh drinking water and should carry us through even the worst SHTF situations.

- A prep a day can keep ill fate away

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Why Books Are A Prepping Essential

There are many items that can be considered necessities when preparing for a SHTF scenario, but most preppers tend to overlook one vital source of information that could be a life save......Books!  Why books you ask?

There are a number of reasons that books should be on your list of prepping essentials.
  1. Obtaining books with information pertaining to the aspects of survival will ensure that you always have access to the answers you need about important topics such as gardening, reloading ammunition, medical procedures, survival skills and more.
  2. Having a physical copy of books pertaining to the subject matters that you are most unfamiliar with will allow you to seek out the answers you need in the case of a grid down scenario when online access would be impossible.
  3. In a TEOTWAWKI situation you will want and need a way to keep yourself entertained at times.  What better way to entertain yourself than by reading and learning new skill sets that will improve your livelihood.
  4. Physical books that can teach others how to survive the drastic times may prove to be of great value for bartering.  If you happen to come across someone who has something you need but lacks the skills they need to survive, the right book may just be the answer for an excellent trade deal.
As a prepper it is important to always be thinking outside of the box when it comes to your preps so that you can cover any situation that may arise.

- A prep a day can keep ill fate away