Monday, May 9, 2016

Money When It Hits The Fan

If we are ever unfortunate enough to live through the turmoil created by everything going haywire paper money will quickly become worthless.  Many preppers purchase gold and silver thinking they will be able to get whatever they need with those ever precious metals.  Although gold and silver will almost definitely never become worthless, there are other items that will be more valuable in a doomsday scenario.  In a case like this the ability to barter with items that are essential for everyday life will prove to be priceless. 

Because we can't live more than a few days without it, water will instantly rise to the top of the list as a valuable commodity.  When the public water supply is dwindling and no-one is able to get ahold of this ever precious asset, people will be willing to do almost anything to quench their thirst.

will also be near the top and most likely second only to water.  People will stop at nothing to attain food when their families are starving.  Don't allow your family to get into a situation where they are hurting for food.

Lighters and matches will be another valuable resource for bartering.  Whether they need to cook their food or are trying to stay warm, everyone will need some method of starting a fire. Some of the best lighters are  which will enable you to start hundreds of fires and can be refilled with any flammable fluid.

When stores become non-existent and clothing is no longer readily available most individuals will not know what to do.  Having a few extra garments laying around will allow you to trade with these drifters who are likely to posses an item or two that you may desire.

Weapons, tools and ammunition will be desired by the masses who are attempting to hunt and protect themselves out of desperation.

Many of the people wandering the streets will be in search of alcohol and nicotine.  These two substances are quite addictive and the withdrawal that will be felt by those who use and abuse them is going to be immense.

Without doctors or hospitals, will also be in high demand.  Injured people will be in search of all types of medical related necessities in order to facilitate their needs.

Never underestimate the value of your own skills.  There will be people who want to have something done that you will be able to help them with in exchange for the items or skills you need.

The above list doesn't cover all the wants and needs that will be experienced during a worst case scenario, but it should give you an excellent place to start.  By thinking of those items that would cause life to be more difficult in their absence you will be able to compile an extensive list of necessities for bartering.