Wednesday, June 22, 2016

How To Become A Prepper

Becoming a prepper is not a difficult task, it simply involves preparing for some future event that might occur.  The first step is to determine the most probable scenarios that might play out in your life.  These scenarios could include anything from simple storms to economic collapse or even a grid down episode such as an EMP.

Once you determine the events that are possible, the next step is to decide what preps would be needed in the case that such an event should happen.  Write out a detailed list of supplies that would be needed making sure to think through every possibility that could occur.

Once this list is complete and you are sure that every possible necessity has been written down it is time to begin purchasing them.  You do not have to purchase every item all at once.  It is a good idea to begin small and build your preps up slowly.  The exception to this rule is that if you feel that one of the situations you are preparing for may happen very soon you might want to speed up your purchasing.  

The main reason to start out purchasing your preps slowly is because bringing home too many items at once can be overwhelming.  You must consider where you will store everything without the preps becoming a burden to your household.  This can take some time to plan out and prepare the storage area.

When considering storage for your purchases, be sure you have a place that is safe for storing them.  If your purchases include guns and ammunition, you may want to purchase a safe to keep them out of the hands of anyone who would desire to steal them.  At some point you must consider the possibility that in the case of any bad scenario playing out, there will most likely be marauders who will desire to take your preps.  Preparing for this type of a situation should also play an important role in your prepping.

Be sure that you control your prepping habits and that your prepping habits don't control you.  It is very difficult to enjoy the process of preparing for the worst when your preparations are in control.  This is sometimes a difficult task and many beginning preppers lose the battle at first.  However, with time you will be able to gain the upper hand and take control of the situation.

However fast or slowly you decide to prepare for your worst case scenario, be sure that you enjoy the experience and think out every possible situation that could come about so that you are fully ready to survive through it when SHTF.

- A prep a day can keep ill fate away

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